Monday, September 24, 2012


Is anyone there?......................................Its me...............Ashley...............hello?

Wow, isn't it crazy how life just takes hold of the reins sometimes?  I have been missing you all.  While I haven't been posting much (ok anything at all) I have been able to keep up with your blogs .... well a little bit anyway.  I can get through a few a day but then when I get around to being able to check again its been a few days and I have to start all over. 

I didn't think that I could be this busy at work and then here I am.  I am starting to get my groove on at work and things are falling into place.  Going back into the classroom was not as scary as I thought it was going to be.  I am thankful that I get to ease in to things with only being in the classroom for one period this semester.  I can't really say that I have been overwhelmed (but my facial skin might disagree with that statement) but I am able to really concentrate on my classes and I feel good about things so far.  I am enjoying my kids and I feel comfortable lecturing to the class.  But I am sure that you don't really care to be bored with what I do for a job so lets get to some more interesting things.

The PUYALLUP FAIR was happening the past 3 weekends, Thomas and I attended on the second Saturday.  We had a great time trying the "Earthquake Burger", though I would pay the extra dollar for cheese next time, checking out Hobby Hall, listening to a live band, checking out the goats and watching a huntseat class in the horse arena.  We also checked out the Frontier/Homestead exhibit that they have every year...I love that one and left with a dozen scones to enjoy the following week.  And of course like the awesome blogger I am - I took no pictures.  In my defense I talked my husband into putting my ID in his wallet so I wouldn't have to lug around my purse!! but that also meant that I had no camera.  I gotta work on that...but first or second or whatever way you want to put it...I have to get my blog on again.  I miss it.

I hope you all haven't been too lost without me for the past couple weeks...but here I am again hopefully I can stick around!!

Challenge for this post:  how many times did I use the word "but"????

♥ Ashley

1 comment:

  1. Seven! :) Glad your back to school experience was better this time! And glad you're working your way back into blogdom :)


I love reading your comments! They make my day! Make sure that your email is linked to your profile so I can email you back!

♥ Ashley